While Ragnar and Ivar continue to stay at Ecbert's villa, Alfred plays chess with Ivar. Ragnar then thanks Judith for introducing her son to him. Ragnar, who loved Athelstan very much, hugs him and Alfred hugs him back. While held prisoner in Ecbert's villa, Judith presents Alfred to Ragnar and introduces him as Athelstan's son. Ragnar Lothbrok has arrived once more in Wessex, only this time he is only accompanied by his son Ivar. Ten years have passed, and Alfred has been growing up to be a shy and knowledgable young man. Later he takes part in a holy crowning ceremony, where he is gifted with an exquisite sword and made a Consul of Rome. Once in Rome, Alfred is greeted personally by Pope Leo IV, who considers him the future of Wessex and England. They, along with the monk Prudentius, depart on their journey. King Ecbert announces that his son Prince Aethelwulf will take Alfred on a pilgrimage to Rome to meet Pope Leo IV. When Prince Aethelwulf returns from fighting in Mercia, Ecbert forces him to accept Alfred as his legal son. He is clearly the favorite of Judith and Ecbert, despite not being Judith's first-born. Alfred is raised by Judith in Ecbert's villa. Athelstan had been loved by Judith and Ecbert.

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King Ecbert then stops the trial and pardons Judith, stating that Athelstan was a holy man and his son was chosen by God.

Her ear is removed, and she reveals that the father of her child is Athelstan. Shortly after Alfred's birth, he is taken by King Ecbert's noblemen and Judith is brought before the court on trial for adultery. He is also seen as having a great destiny by his stepfather, King Aethelwulf. He was protected by the late King Ecbert, who claims that God has very special plans for him. King Alfred of Wessex and Mercia (Old English meaning "elf counsel") is the illegitimate son of Judith and Athelstan. –King Alfred's victory speech after the Battle of Marton, Hel And when King Harald urged his devils to run from the field, I knew then, with a beautiful certainty, that the day and the battle had belonged to us! But without our Viking allies, I swear to you, there could be no victory either, without these Northmen who have embraced our cause and our God. No one else will ever be fit to carry his sword, which will be buried with him. We mourn his passing, but we know that he has gone to a far better place. Alas we have suffered a most grevous loss of this great and noble man. The great warrior Heahmund, staunch defender of our faith. Yet the battle still hung in the balance. Dear lord, the Pagans had the best of it.

Ask yourselves, do you know his ways? Can you be so sure as to know the divine mind that guides all things? Friends, when I saw that deer, I knew it not for a deer, but as Christ, who had taken that shape to show us that he was with us.
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Walsh-Peelo attended Coláiste Ráithín, a Gaelscoil (an Irish language-medium school) in Bray, and Wicklow Educate Together National School in County Wicklow.
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Ferdia Walsh-Peelo (born October 12, 1999) is an Irish actor and musician who portrays King Alfred on the History Channel series Vikings.